There were countless failed attempts to find a cuddly and yummy gluten-free loaf recipe... until the day I was forced to totally modify any recipe I found online due to the lack of ingredients I had available at home.
---- The result of this day created MyFit Bread ----
After creating this incredible recipe by my own, I began to bake this bread for my personal consumption. Eventually some friends of mine tried it. I have a friend who, when she first tasted it, was never able to live without it. She was my first customer. It was almost 3 years baking this bread only for me and her. There were many friends who tried and suggested (some begged) that I sell it, until the day I finally convinced myself.

Most of the human population is overweight or unhappy with their body composition. Out of these people, most of them don't change their reality because they think it is too hard and they would have to give up daily pleasures. Now, imagine a fitness life in which even eating bread is allowed. Would you join?
Yes! You can be healthy and still enjoy bread!
This recipe was the most perfect creation I've ever made. My biggest goal through this bread is to give you the opportunity of having a healthier and more enjoyable meal. After all, this product is too wonderful to be enjoyed only by myself.
Priscila Oliveira
Chef Passionate